System Security AS23
Autumn semester 2023
Course no. 252-1414-00L, (7 ECTS)
Course responsible: Prof. Srdjan Capkun (, Prof. Shweta Shinde (
Teaching Assistants: Friederike Groschupp*, Mark Kuhne, Dr. Yoshimichi Nakatsuka, Supraja Sridhara (
Written exam
Performance assessment is based on exercises/reports submitted through the semester (20%) and a session examination at the end of the semester (80%). Details will be discussed at the end of the semester.
Learning objectives
In this lecture, students learn about the security requirements and capabilities that are expected from modern hardware, operating systems and other software environments. An overview of available technologies, algorithms and standards is given, with which these requirements can be met.
Content Description
The first part of the lecture covers hardware-based security concepts. Topics include the concept of physical and software-based side channel attacks on hardware resources, architectural support for security (e.g., memory management and permissions, disk encryption), and trusted execution environments (Intel SGX, ARM TrustZone, AMD SEV, and RISC-V Keystone).
In the second part, the focus is on system design and methodologies for building secure systems. Topics include: common software faults (e.g., buffer overflows, etc.), bug-detection, writing secure software (design, architecture, QA, testing), compiler-supported security (e.g., control-flow integrity), and language-supported security (e.g., memory safety).
Along the lectures, model cases will be elaborated and evaluated in the exercises.