Security of Wireless Networks AS21

Autumn semester 2021

Course no. 252-1411-00L, (6 ECTS)

Lecture: Tuesday, 14-16h, online

Exercises: Every second Friday, in CAB E 87.2 (enter via E 87.1).

Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Srdjan Capkun, Dr. Kari Kostiainen
Assistants: Martin Kotuliak, Simon Erni

For any issues, contact us at the following e-mail address:

Course material for lectures is available in moodle.

The lectures will be held online via zoom. The same zoom link is valid for all online sessions and you can find it on moodle.  

There will be no exercise session in the first week. The exercise schedule and group assignments will be published on moodle.

Course description


Course Content
Topic 1. Introduction to Physical Layer of Wireless Networks
Topic 2. Physical Layer Based Security
Topic 3. GNSS (GPS/Gallileo) Security
Topic 4. Cellular Network Security (1-5G)
Topic 5. Security of Distance Measurement (and Positioning)
Topic 6. Jamming and Jamming Resilient Communication
Topic 7. WiFi and Bluetooth Security
+ bonus research topics (if time)

4 labs based on SDRs and GNU Radio:
Topic 1. Radio Basics (EM Communication, IQ Samples, FM and QPSK transmission + reception)
Topic 2. Jamming + DSSS (Jamming of Communication, DSSS, measuring required jamming power/BW)
Topic 3. GPS Spoofing (Building your own GPS spoofer using open-source tools)
Topic 4. Overshadowing (Overshadowing benign communication, AdaptOver)

Labs are scheduled bi-weeklyon Fridays, from 8.10. until 26.11.

  • Students can choose from 7 slots
  • Signing up for the slots is now open on moodle!
  • Students will work in groups of two
  • If you already have a partner, sign up for the same slot!

Written exam = 80% of the grade
20% exercises and related reports