News 2016


12 December 2016, CNB F110, 11:00h
Ivan Puddu, ETH Master's Thesis
Title: Mutable blockchain: How to forget without hard forks

8 December 2016, CNB F110, 09:30h
Fabian Schewetofski, ETH Master's Thesis
Title: Software assisted dry-run

6 October 2016, CNB F110, 14:00h
Mansoor Ahmed, ETH Master's Thesis
Title: An Exploration of Intel SGX and Its Application to State Preservation

5 October 2016, CNB F110, 14:00h
Gregor Wegberg, ETH Master's Thesis
Title: Client-Side Secure Deletion on Shared Cloud Storage

19 September 2016, CNB F110, 11:00h
David Bimmler, ETH Bachelor's Thesis
Title: Exploring Cellular Handoff as an Approach to Mobile Positioning

14 September 2016, CNB F110, 13:00-16:00h
Roman Trüb , ETH Master's Thesis
Title: Retrieving Meteorological Information by Passive Monitoring of the 1090 MHz Channel
Lukas Häfliger, ETH Master's Thesis
Title: Audio Similarity Based on Feature Extraction for Sound-Proof
Simon Marti, ETH Master's Thesis
Title: Continuous Authentication and Extensions for Sound-Proof

13 September 2016, CNB F110, 14:00-16:00h 
16.00.Rajko Kisdobranski, ETH Master's Thesis
Title: Investigation of Near Real-Time Anomaly Detection Approaches for Web Applications (in collaboration with AdNovum)
Pedro Mendez, ETH Master's Thesis
Title: Automated Risk Score for Large-Scale Network Intrusion Detection (in collaboration with Open Systems)  

11 July 2016, CNB F110, 10:00h
Karl Wüst, ETH Master's Thesis
Title: Security of Blockchain Technologies
Vasileios Glykantzis, ETH Master's Thesis
Title: Security and Scalability of Bitcoin
Jaskirat Singh, ETH Master's Thesis
Title: Improving Ultra-Wide Band Based Secure Ranging Systems

7 July 2016, CNB F110, 14:00h
Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology (IIIT)
Title: Privacy and Security in Online Social Media

28 June 2016, CNB F110, 11:00h
VeelashaMoonsamy, Digital Security group at Radboud University, NL
Title: Current projects

27 May 2016, CNB F110
10:30h: Thomas Knell, ETH Master's Thesis
Title: Hacking in the Blind

10 May 2016, CNB F110
10:00h: Marko Vukolic, IBM Research
Title: The Quest for Scalable Blockchain

5 April 2016, CNB F110
14:00h: Ulrich Rührmair
Title: Virtual Proofs of Reality and Their Physical Implementation

4 March 2016, CNB F110
11:00h: Prof. Mani Srivastava, UCLA
Title: Towards Secure and Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems

15 January 2016, CNB F110
11:00h: Mridula Singh, Xerox Research Centre, India
Title: Throughput maximization in High Density Wireless Local Area Networks

14 January 2016, CNB F110
13:00h: Aritra Dhar, Xerox Research Centre, India
Title: CLOTHO: Saving Programs from Malformed Strings and Incorrect String-Handling

11 January 2016, CNB F110
11:00h, Martina Rivizzigno, ETH semester project presentation (master student)
Title: Exploration of Audio Similarity Techniques to Improve the Accuracy of Sound-Proof


Aanjhan Ranganathan and Hildur Olafsdottir
Prize of the European Space Navigation Competition organized by ESA
Project: SPREE: A Spoofing Resistant GNSS Receiver
Winner: Regional - Switzerland

Ph.D. examination

6 December 2016, Arthur Gervais
15:00h in CAB G 59
Dissertation: On the Security, Performance and Privacy of Proof of Work Blockchains

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